Department of Psychology, CHRIST (Deemed to be University)
CABLab Journal Club: Previous presentations
9th November, 2020 (11am-12pm)
Presenter: Adhiraj Chowdhury (PhD Scholar)
Title of the article: The dynamics of belief updating in human cooperation: Findings from inter-brain ERP hyperscanning (2019)
Published in: NeuroImage, 198, 1-12
2nd November, 2020 (11am-12pm)
Presenter: Prakat Karki (PhD Scholar)
Title of the article: Blunted reward sensitivity and trait disinhibition interact to predict substance use problems (2019)
Published in: Clinical Psychological Science, 7(5), 1109-1124
19th October, 2020 (11am-12pm)
Presenter: Shradha Venkat (Junior Research Fellow)
Title of the article: "Blissfully happy” or “ready to fight”: Varying Interpretations of Emoji (2016)
Published in: Proceedings of Tenth International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media 2016
12th October, 2020 (11am-12pm)
Presenter: Susan Ajith (Alumni, M.Sc.)
Title of the article: Let me take the wheel: Illusory control and sense of agency (2017)
Published in: Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 70(8), 1732-1746
5th October, 2020 (11am-12pm)
Presenter: Adhiraj Chowdhury (PhD Scholar)
Title of the article: Evidence of partner choice heuristics in a one-shot bargaining game (2016)
Published in: Evolution and Human Behavior, 37(6), 429-439
21st September, 2020 (11am-12pm)
Presenter: Prakat Karki (PhD Scholar)
Title of the article: Birds of a feather flock together: Evidence of prominent correlations within but not between self-report, behavioral, and electrophysiological measures of impulsivity (2019)
Published in: Biological psychology, 145, 112-123.
31st August, 2020 (11am-12pm)
Presenter: Shradha Venkat (Junior Research Fellow)
Title of the article: Construct Validity of the Balloon Analog Risk Task (BART): Associations With Psychopathy and Impulsivity (2005)
Published in: Assessment, 12(4), 416-428
24th August, 2020 (11am-12pm)
Presenter: Adhiraj Chowdhury (PhD Scholar)
Title of the article: The effects of feelings of guilt on the behaviour of uncooperative individuals in repeated social bargaining games (2003)
Published in: Cognition and emotion, 17(3), 429-453
17th August, 2020 (11am-12pm)
Presenter: Prakat Karki (PhD Scholar)
Title of the article: The Factor Structure of a Dichotomously Scored Rutgers Alcohol Problem Index (2007)
Published in: Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 68(4), 597-606
20th July, 2020 (11am-12pm)
Presenter: Adhiraj Chowdhury (PhD Scholar)
Title of the article: Social value orientation modulates the processing of outcome evaluation involving others (2017)
Published in: Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 12(11), 1730–1739