Department of Psychology, CHRIST (Deemed to be University)
Participate in ongoing reearch studies
CABLab offers hosting of weblinks for online surveys/experiments of research projects to facilitate participant recruitment and promote engagement between researchers and the community.
Details of research studies hosted on CABLab can be found in the list below, along with relevant details of the research studies and relevant links. To host your research study, please write to us at

PhD Research study on Polysubstance use and risk factors
Researchers: Prakat Karki, Dr. Madhavi Rangaswamy
Quantitative study on risk factors leading to tobacco, alcohol and cannabis use
Participation criteria
Youths between 18-26 years, living in India, currently enrolled in an educational course

Pilot study on Social Networking among adolescents during the pandemic
Researchers: Prakat Karki, Dr. Madhavi Rangaswamy
A social network modelling of interaction patterns among Indian youths & its influence on wellbeing
Participation criteria
Youths between 18-25 years, living in India, currently enrolled in an educational course

Conducting Research in Psychology during the pandemic
Researchers: Prakat Karki, Shradha V., Adhiraj Chaudhury,........& Dr. Madhavi Rangaswamy
A mixed survey to assess issues and challenges faced by research students during remote work in the pandemic
Participation criteria
Students studying Masters or higher in Psychology with a research component